Mind in Furness GDPR statement

Your Data

We only use your data when you choose to provide it to us when attending an event. We will remind you of this in the event registration. We only ask for data that is essential to the smooth running of the event and once the event has finished we then delete all of your data other than any basic information you have permitted us to keep to report the results of the event.

We can make your name anonymous on the website and we can remove your data if you so wish at any time.


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We won’t give up until everyone experiencing a mental health problem gets support and respect

Article edited by Mind in Furness, 29th August 2018, 7:29PM, views: 15400
Meet The Team

Whilst we recommend calling our office number of 01229 827094 initially, if you have something more specific you wish to discuss such as a request, question, feedback, or complaint and you would like to speak to someone in particular here are our key members of staff that you may choose to contact.

Please note that you should use the working hours listed here as a guide as they are occassionally subject to change at short notice.

Photo of Karen Dobson, Chief Officer
Karen Dobson
(Chief Officer)

I am responsible for the overall strategic and financial management of all Mind in Furness services reporting directly to the Board of Trustees. Our services are each managed by Service Managers who report directly to me.

  • Monday
    9am – 4.30pm
  • Tuesday
    9am – 4.30pm
  • Wednesday
    9am – 4.30pm
  • Thursday
    9am – 4.30pm
  • Friday
    9am - 12.30pm
Photo of Melanie Gilmour, Service Manager
Melanie Gilmour
(Service Manager)

As Service Manager at the Lesser Kings Hall on Hartington Street, I have responsibility for our range of Wellbeing and Community services and I manage the staff team responsible for delivering these services. If you need to speak to someone about these services and how relevant they may be to your needs please don't hesitate to contact me.

  • Monday
    9am – 4.30pm
  • Tuesday
    9am – 4.30pm
  • Wednesday
    9am – 4.30pm
  • Thursday
    9am – 4.30pm
  • Friday
    9am – 4.30pm
Photo of Julie Wilson, Connect Worker
Julie Wilson
(Connect Worker)

I am available for one to one consultations. I facilitate the weekly Women’s Group. I facilitate a 6 week Recovery Star Programme. If you would like further information on any of the above call me on the number below.

  • Monday
    9am – 4.30pm
  • Tuesday
    9am – 4.30pm
  • Wednesday
    9am – 4.30pm
  • Thursday
    9am – 4.30pm
  • Friday
Telephone icon
01229 827094
Photo of Liz Hathaway, Charity Shop Manager Millom
Liz Hathaway
(Charity Shop Manager - Millom)

Sign posting to mental health services, information leaflets and volunteering opportunities.

  • Monday
    10am – 4pm
  • Tuesday
    10am – 4pm
  • Wednesday
    10am – 1pm
  • Thursday
    10am – 4pm
  • Friday
    10am - 1pm
  • Saturday
    10am - 12 noon
Telephone icon
01229 777933
Photo of Suzanna Hurley, Connect Worker for Housing and Tenancy Support
Suzanna Hurley
(Connect Worker - Housing and Tenancy support)

Working with tenants living in our supported accommodation via a referral system. Meeting overall general support needs, helping to maintain a tenancy, supporting with daily living skills and helping them to link in with support services in the community and Mind in Furness.

  • Monday
  • Tuesday
    9am – 3pm
  • Wednesday
    9am – 2:30pm
  • Thursday
    9am – 3pm
  • Friday
    9am – 2:30pm
Telephone icon
01229 827094
Photo of James Barnicle, Connect Worker for Mind in Furness
James Barnicle
(Connect Worker)

As the Connect Worker delivering the Choices project, West Cumbria my role is to provide support and a range of interventions to individuals who have accessed the Choices Programme and who are experiencing or have experienced episodes of poor mental wellbeing. Hopefully with my support they will able to overcome their key barriers, build their confidence, develop skills, and progress towards or into the labour market.

  • Monday
    9am – 5pm
  • Tuesday
    9am – 5pm
  • Wednesday
    9am – 5pm
  • Thursday
  • Friday
Company Information
  • Mind in Furness
  • Lesser Kings Hall
  • 57-59 Hartington Street
  • Barrow-in-Furness
  • LA14 5SR
  • Charity registered in England and Wales: 1143600
  • Registered company limited by guarantee: 7693277
Contact Details
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